Fossil Shrimp w/ Heavily Disarticulated Fish | Green River Formation | Wyoming
Shrimp approx. size: 2", 4" measuring the antennae
Matrix approx. size: 17.5" x 8" x 1"
Shrimp are opportunistic omnivores that eat almost anything they can find. They are bottom feeders that scavenge whatever sinks down to the bottom. It is reasonable to believe that this shrimp fed on the fish, although we have no definitive proof.
Bechleja rostrata is a freshwater variety of shrimp from the family Palaemonidae. Today palaemonids are ecologically diverse, with some species living in freshwater and some living in marine environments. They are true shrimp, but are sometimes called "prawns." Bechleja rostrata was probably an important food source for several fish species that possessed dentitions suited for crushing arthropods such as stingrays like Heliobatis and Asterotrygon.