Ceratopsian Teeth in Matrix | Aguja Formation
70 Million Years Ago
Specimen approx. size: 11" x 9" x 2.5"
Specimen on stand approx. size: 13.5" x 9" x 6"
This is a really cool assemblage of multiple fossils still in situ from the Aguja Formation of Texas. There are multiple ceratopsian teeth scattered throughout the specimen. The larger fragments are unidentified but it is likely that there are turtle and crocodilian bones in this rock. There is a crocodilian tooth that measures approx. 1.5" long in the matrix.
The Aguja Formation is a geological formation in North America. It is exposed in Texas in the United States and Chihuahua and Coahuila in Mexico. Its strata dates back to the Late Cretaceous. Dinosaur remains are among the fossils that have been recovered from the formation. Fossil palms have also been unearthed here.